The funeral
Vicente Fox could not bother to attend the Reagan funeral; of course I'm not surprised. Fox has proven to be a spineless appeaser (Mexico's is, after all, a European society, not an American one), and with everyone from Congress, the media, and a sizable chunk of the population against him, he may believe it's too much of a political risk to appear "pro American".
I don't know, maybe he knows this country better than I do. Anti-American rhetoric has always won votes here, and Mexicans are, on the overall, more anti-American than pro. Still, the mark of a leader is to lead, not sail behind the popular wind. But as I said I'm not surprised; after 9-11 (when even the French were supportive of the US) it took Fox several days to issue a statement condemning the attacks.
As for the funeral itself, I thought it could not have been more magnificent. Who said Americans were incapable of such pomp and circumstance? There was one thing that infuriated me though. At the cathedral, I was able to spot a Muslim who was sitting on the front row to the right of the pulpit. I say he was a Muslim not only because he was wearing the characteristic diaper in the head, but because of the arrogantly disrespectful manner in which he behaved during the entire ceremony. At numerous times he had one leg crossed on top of the other; and when he was not slouching on the bench, this lovely character was using the kneeling pad as a resting place for his sandaled feet. Thoroughly disgusting, but again not surprising after tens of Muslims used the Nativity Church in Bethlehem as a kitchen and latrine last year. Another telling example of tolerance and good will from the "religion of peace"....
I don't know, maybe he knows this country better than I do. Anti-American rhetoric has always won votes here, and Mexicans are, on the overall, more anti-American than pro. Still, the mark of a leader is to lead, not sail behind the popular wind. But as I said I'm not surprised; after 9-11 (when even the French were supportive of the US) it took Fox several days to issue a statement condemning the attacks.
As for the funeral itself, I thought it could not have been more magnificent. Who said Americans were incapable of such pomp and circumstance? There was one thing that infuriated me though. At the cathedral, I was able to spot a Muslim who was sitting on the front row to the right of the pulpit. I say he was a Muslim not only because he was wearing the characteristic diaper in the head, but because of the arrogantly disrespectful manner in which he behaved during the entire ceremony. At numerous times he had one leg crossed on top of the other; and when he was not slouching on the bench, this lovely character was using the kneeling pad as a resting place for his sandaled feet. Thoroughly disgusting, but again not surprising after tens of Muslims used the Nativity Church in Bethlehem as a kitchen and latrine last year. Another telling example of tolerance and good will from the "religion of peace"....